Saturday, June 30, 2012

And the story begins....

Hey there!  Thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog.  This is the beginning of my journey to becoming a published author.  I want to document this process for a couple of reasons.  For starters, I want to remember exactly how it all happens.  The good...the bad...the happy!  I want to remember each step on the way to reaching a life long goal and dream!  And secondly, I love to write!  I also love to talk...thank God I can type as fast as I talk!  :)

We are deep in editing now!  We!  I have a publisher who is working side by side with me.  And we are flushing it out together!  The easy part was actually getting it all down.  The harder part is picking it apart in the hopes that in the end we have a GREAT story that people will connect with and love as much as I do. 

How did that happen?  It's a GREAT story actually!  I have three kids and you find your circle of friends becoming parents of your kid's friends.  Lucky for me, my kids have GREAT taste in friends and most of the time I end up really liking their parents.  I was at a 7 on 7 football tournament and chatting away with Heather.  We like a lot of the same authors...Jodi Picoult, Kristin Hannah, etc.  I sheepishly said...'Well, I wrote a book.'  And we started talking about it.  I explained what I thought the plot was...and she seemed interested.  Then she said something that would change my world...'My brother in law has a small publishing house.  You should send me the manuscript and I'll forward it to him'.

Some folks think I talk too much and they would be right!  I do!  I talk too much, tell too much, share too much...just ask my husband and kids!  But, this paid off!  I sent it to her...and well now a month later...we are talking timelines, marketing strategy and we are editing it together! 

Collide is my debut novel.  I wrote it over two years ago and it has gone through all kinds of changes.  For example, I originally wrote it about witches.  I had just read the Twilight Saga and thought to myself, if she can do it, so can I.  (No offense to Stephenie Meyer)  She was a mom of three and she found the time!  And then the TV Show 'The Secret Circle' came out and I saw so many similarities I was a little 'upset' I hadn't moved forward with that concept.  However, it's now been cancelled!  So maybe it was a good thing not to go that route.

But, my characters decided they weren't really 'witchy material'.  And I wanted my first novel to be just about normal folks, with normal issues, with twists and turns...much like life.  But, then I had to change my male lead character's name because it WAS Christian with '50 Shades of Gray' out...had to change that!  I love his name more now though...Joshua Ames Hattinson.  And now, I've been watching 'Teen Wolf' on MTV and found that story is based in Beacon town is Beacon Falls...I'm beginning to think I'm on to something!  I just seem to be a few steps behind!  But,'s all coming together!

I think I'll start telling you a bit about my book here and there...just so you can get excited about it!  And you can follow me along on this journey because let's face's gonna be readers like you that will hopefully buy my book and want to read more books written by me.  I have lots of characters and stay tuned!  I'm sure I will also blog about my family...I've got three teenagers, two dogs and one husband!  They ARE my life!

Hope you'll follow me and comment when you can!

Hold on's going to be a bumpy ride!

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